Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 2 Months, Victoria!

Today Victoria is officially 2 months old. I can't believe how fast time flies...seems like just yesterday we were watching my belly grow, eagerly anticipating her arrival.

Naturally, we had a "2 month" photo shoot this morning and it went much smoother than the 1 month session. Now that I know what makes Victoria tick - like when she's getting sleepy...when she's hungry, and all that jazz, I made sure to do our photos during the window of opportunity where she is at her best (and smiling!). You'll notice that in this month's picture you see her beautiful smile that makes my heart melt! Next Wednesday we go for her check-up and I'll get the latest on poundage, length, headcircumference, and all that fun stuff. On to the shoot....

close up of her sweet smile!

hey there...

In my opinion, the cutest toes in the world!
 Check out how much she's grown in a month by looking back to her 1 month photo shoot.
