Saturday, December 8, 2012

Five Months Update

About a week ago, Sweet Baby V turned 5 months old! Wowzer! She constantly amazes me and has got to be the sweetest, happiest baby ever. She went to the doctor a few weeks prior to being 5 months. She checked in at:

Weight: 14 lbs, 12 oz
Length: 25 inches

(25th-50th percentile in all areas)

She gets to start eating rice cereal in a week (so cool!) so I've started getting the baby spoons ready! Time for Dad to pull the highchair outta the box! I can't believe she's going to be eating solids soon. She has started to love holding her toes when she's laying on her back, and is a HUGE talker. She squeals with delight when she's really pleased by something. She also squeals in frustration when her toys aren't working the way she wants them to! Her night time sleeping is going so well. We put her down around 7:00 p.m. and she will sleep till 5 or 6 a.m. (10 hours!).

She currently has a little cold (stuffy, runny nose), but she's certainly not letting it show. She's still as happy as ever. We're hoping to take her to see Santa in the next week.

Work is still going well, although the kids are really testing us. You can tell, it's time for Christmas break! I love this time of year though, because the holiday activities make things more fun. Speaking of Christmas, this will be our first year since we got married (3 years ago) that we will spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in our own home, celebrating by our own tree. We can't wait. Unfortunately, not all our family will be here, since a lot of them are in Roanoke; However, some are coming up Christmas Day and the rest we will go visit a couple days after Christmas. Now that we have Baby V, it's important to us to spend Christmas in our own home, starting new traditions.

We had a Christmas photo shoot taken of Victoria when we were home for Thanksgiving break. Our photographer was my family's good friend, Liz Mitchell, who did an awesome job. I highly recommend her! Check her out on Facebook.  Here's some of our photos!

Hope you're enjoying the holiday!
