Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Giveaway!

Love is in the air...and I'm feeling especially full of love today (and all weekend)! Enough so, that I want to share a little love with my readers. I'm thrilled to announce that I'm doing my first blog giveaway (no purchase required)! Make sure to read through to the bottom so you can have your chance to win. AND YES! IT'S WORKING NOW! (there was a little hiccup when I posted the giveaway on Friday).

Today's giveaway is with the one, the only, Jamberry Nails! As many of you may know, this is my new "work at home mom" side career. I not only stay at home to take care of my 1 year old, my 2 and 1/2 year old, and our new 13 week old puppy (which you can read more about the craziness of that here), but I have joined Jamberry's team of consultants in the U.S.! You can check out my official Jamberry profile:

So what is Jamberry? And what is all the hype? I've had many friends excited to try it (and are now loving their beautiful, long-lasting nails) and I've also had some who are shy to give it a go. I was in that same boat. I had heard of Jamberry and wasn't sure what all the hype was about. Nail wraps? Seemed a little...odd. Until I finally tried a sample.

I requested my first sample last summer when my friend Jaime had a Facebook party. It arrived....and then I let it sit on my dresser for months. Another friend had a party and I requested another now I had TWO samples. What to do, what to do? I finally decided to watch the darn "application video" that I kept seeing in these Facebook parties and try to put it on. I think I watched that video like 5 times before I actually did it, because I was so scared to mess it up! I put a sample on each hand and painted the rest of my nails with my preferred OPI polish.
Day 1 (Jamberry is on my ring finger, OPI on the rest)

Day 7 -- still Jammin'!
One day went by, two days went by....the polish started chipping, but my Jamberry was still there. Looking the same and "growing" on me with it's crazy, leopard pattern. Two weeks later (which is how long Jamberry claims that their wraps last), my polish was all gone (it had gotten so bad that I removed it with polish remover), but  I had a random Jamberry sample on because it was STILL looking awesome!!!! It finally came off a couple days later in the shower...but I was amazed. I knew I had to have my own party and earn more of these babies for FREE!

The rest is history...I had my party, LOVED sharing it with my friends, and decided that I loved them so much I wanted to share them with everyone! The HYPE is for REAL!

The wraps are very affordable being $15 for a sheet, and each sheet comes with enough wraps to wear multiple manicures and multiple pedicures. Just wait until you try a pedicure -- they're awesome! I was scared to try that too. But I did. And SIX WEEKS LATER, my toes were still "jammin'! I've never taken care of my toes in the winter, but with Jamberry, I've had super cute toenails since December and I love it! It takes a little longer to apply them to your toes (trying to get the right shape because toenails are just awkward!), but it's worth it for how long they last!

How do you put them on? Well, if you have a hair dryer, a nail file, and either nail scissors or nail clippers, you can do it! Basically, you prep your nails with an alcohol swab, heat each wrap using your hairdryer (3-5 seconds), press it onto your nail (lots of pressure for a great seal!), then trim/clip and you're ready to go! This is a quick "summary" of what to do, so I recommend watching that aforementioned "Official Application video" before doing your first mani or pedi. Here's the video!

If you've seen Jamberry and thought, "Whoah, the designs are a little out there" (which is how I used to feel, too!), that's ok! Because Jamberry has a calm side, too! We have solid colors, sparkly solids, french tips, you  name it!

Jamberry has thought of everything --- they even have "Jamberry Juniors" which fit little girls! I was actually able to do my Victoria's nails, which is amazing! They also have "Mommy & Me" designs so that you can match your little girl! How fun is that??
One of my favorite things about Jamberry is that there's no dry time! Once you've applied them, you're ready to go! This is not only essential for doing little girl's nails, but is great for me as a mom as well. I certainly don't have time to wait for my nails to dry once I've painted them. There is WAY too much to take care of around the house (cooking, dishes, laundry, changing diapers, doggy needs - you name it), so with NO dry time, I can do my nails and be done with it! Then, it actually lasts long enough to make the time I spent doing my nails worth it!

Even the celebs are loving Jamberry! Check out these famous ladies rocking our Heart Health Awareness wraps for the Go Red event that took place yesterday. These wraps are part of our commitment to charity. For each wrap that is sold, $2 is given to the American Heart Association to help fight heart disease. I'm wearing them as well and they're still looking awesome!


Are you convinced yet that Jamberry is worth trying? Well, here's the great news. I'm so excited to offer a giveway to one lucky winner --- your choice of a free sheet of Jamberry nails! There are SO many designs to choose from though, good luck picking one out!

If you don't want to wait for the giveway to end for a free sheet of Jamberry nails, I'm offering an amazing deal to my readers. Right now, Jamberry is running a special for when you buy 3 sheets, you get 1 sheet free. However, as part of my Valentine's Day giveaway, I'm going to one up that. I'm going to give you TWO free sheets! {Deal ends February 17th at 5:00 PM EST}

Place your order for buy 3, get 1 free through  my Jamberry page, then message me through my Jamberry Facebook page the other free wrap you would like with your order. YAY!

If you want to earn even more free Jamberry, please message me about hosting a party! I love, love, love Jamberry parties -- home and on Facebook! My hostesses are always so excited to earn their free wraps and other Jamberry products (for free and half-off!).
I know once you try Jamberry you will be hooked. Your world is about to change, friends...get ready!You can enter to win the free sheet of Jamberry nails below. Click on the link to visit my Facebook page first (and LIKE the page if you haven't already!) and then you can submit your entry!

One lucky winner will receive their choice of one free sheet of Jamberry nails wraps!
This giveaway starts now and ends on Monday, February 17th at 5:00 PM EST.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Insane Life in Baby/Toddler/Puppy Ville

Wondering where I've been? If I was coming back? No worries, I'm still here. Or what's left of me after five weeks in Baby/Toddler/Puppy Ville. 

As those close to me put it, "Just when you got to where you could probably get some things done, you throw a puppy into the mix"....and now, like when there's a newborn in the house, nothing gets done. My life feels like it's full of pee, poop, and some spit up here and there. I am constantly changing diapers, taking our puppy outside to use the bathroom, and cleaning up the messes inbetween. If you think I'm trying to make you feel sorry for me, you've got that right! Boohoo for poor Lizzie!

Sometimes I think I might be going a little insane. And it's totally my fault, of course. I'm that type of person that I feel like I just have to fill every single moment to the brim to feel complete and then I just can't catch up because I'm doing SO much! But I'm hanging in there and I love my pups, my kiddos, and my disaster of a house. I've pretty much given up trying to pick up things and clean...unless someone is about to choke on something or make a bigger mess by shredding it to bits...then I make an effort to pick up some things. 

Sometimes I go in my bathroom and shut the door, sit down on the floor with my back against the wall and BREATHE. I know, that sounds a bit drastic and dramatic, but it's the only way I can take a step back when both children are crying, the puppy is whining, Dean is barking, and the cat is meowing, and I JUST NEED TO BE STILL. And in that moment of breathing, I'm usually saying a quick prayer for sanity and  calmness. Thank goodness for prayer, am I right?!

So I probably would have put off this post until another time, as I have been doing lately with all my blog post ideas, but this one couldn't wait. It's just too good.

Victoria (my 2 and 1/2 year old) is going through a stage where she is constantly taking off her clothes and her diaper and enjoying the freedom. She'll do this is in bed, as well, and either spend the whole night naked or wake up and undress and then pee in the bed. It's been interesting. So, Saturday morning we decided to give potty training a try. A friend had mentioned just letting her go without any diaper or pants and just be "free" on the bottom half. We read a potty book, practiced sitting on the potty, reviewed the rewards that were in place when she used the potty, and so on. She was super excited to use the potty. Fast forward thirty minutes. Trey's in the basement, I'm in the kitchen, and Victoria yells out from the main floor hallway, "Mommy! Poo poo! Lexi eat poo poo!". I immediately sprint to her location to find the puppy eating some feces. 

Now whose feces is she eating, you may ask? I was trying to figure out the same thing. Samuel was napping, so he was out of the question. Dean (our older lab) never poops inside. Definitely wasn't cat poop. And it would be awfully strange for Lexi to eat her own poop, not to mention this looked different...and then thirty seconds into this moment of me gagging and wondering what in the world was going on, I realize the truth. My half-naked 2 and 1/2 year old, who considers herself to be a princess, had just pooped in the floor without hesitation. And the dog ate it. Can life get any more ridiculous?!

I picked up the puppy, yelled for Trey and handed her off to have her mouth washed out by the dentist in the house, cleaned up what was left of the mess, cleaned up Miss Victoria who seemed to have no problem with the fact that she just pooped in the floor, and then we immediately put a diaper on her and decided to forgo the potty training for the day. For the sake of my sanity. I hate to be a quitter, but sometimes you just gotta throw in the towel. 

Life is still good, in fact, it's great. It's certainly a little  LOT more chaotic than it was before Lexi arrived, but we're holding on tight and laughing when we can. Take care, friends!
