Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back to School

Well friends, it has been a month and a half since my last post. And yes, we're still TTC. No luck yet but we're hanging in there. I'm not going to lie - we weren't as "on task" during the past month because as a teacher, the month of September is absolutely draining! We also had a hurricane at the end of August (yes - a hurricane in Richmond, Virginia!) which really upset the start of the school year. And on top of that, we got our puppy during this time, which made things even crazier! But as the fall is starting to settle in, I can see the calm in sight. 

Now as I wait to be a real mommy, let me tell you about being a doggy mommy. As you know from my my earlier posts, I had been greatly anticipating this role. I had no idea how much energy, patience, and time it would really take. When I was warned by my stepmother that having a dog is a little bit like having a child, I didn't realize how true that was! Dean, our pups, cannot be left alone for one second or we will be very sorry!    The pillows may be in shreds or we may be cleaning up his "accidents" on the carpet...and of course, this still happens even when we do have our eyes on him. Trey and I take turns on whose night it is to take care of Dean. Until he is about 16 weeks, he has to go to the bathroom twice during the night - but fortunately he quickly goes "potty" and then we can put him back in his crate and go back to sleep. But it is definitely a new responsibility that takes getting used to (and one that will break us in for when we have a crying baby during the night who needs to be fed and changed). 
Dean's favorite "snooze" spot - over the AC vent

Our sweet boy
Dean is the most beautiful puppy I have ever seen. He is a sweetheart too, as he loves to curl up on our laps and take his naps. We have much to teach him and already have him signed up for "Puppy Education" courses starting October 9th. It is cute to see how worried Trey gets over the little things with Dean, and confirms what an amazing and caring father he will be to his children. Trey took Dean to the vet today and we found out he now weighs 23 lbs (he was 9 lbs when we got him 4 weeks ago) and he is healthy. Parents always want to hear that. 

Our amazing family: Dean, Trey, Lizzie, Imogen
In addition to being Dean's mom, I have also taken on the responsibility of 20 other children during the last four weeks. My fifth grade class keeps me uber-busy as I spend every extra moment that I'm not teaching planning fun, engaging lessons, grading papers, calling parents with positive comments, attending meetings, and planning more lessons. I am so exhausted, but pleased as well. I have an amazing class this year with extremely polite, motivated, and responsible students. Last year was a tough year with my first class, but I have high hopes for this group of kids. For the first time since I finished my student teaching, I really love teaching again. 

Until next time, I'm still your madre in waiting
