Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Being Me, Bravely

For my mom friends who are in MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), you know exactly what my post title means. "Being you, Bravely" is our theme this year and our challenge, as moms, is to embrace ourselves, face our fears, and take those brave steps of motherhood. Being a mom is so hard - in fact, it might be the hardest thing I've ever done. There are so many unknowns, so many challenges, and it can be scary.

But what I've learned from this amazing group of women and the many MOPS resources, is that I'm not alone. You, fellow mom, are not alone. We are in this together, because we've all been there. When your baby is up every couple hours, hungry and crying, and you just want to sleep because you're so sleep deprived you might go insane: we've been there. And when you just can't do it anymore and you leave your baby to "cry it out" and you feel like your heart is being torn in two and that you're a terrible mom for letting your baby cry like that: yup, done it. How about when your two-year-old starts taking her diaper off in bed for no apparent reason, except to pee all over the bed and then yell for you in the middle of the night for hours, so the next night you try duct taping the diaper shut and sticking a onesie on her? Ok, maybe that's just me. But the point is - motherhood is one BIG FAT challenge! And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Nothing is better than the sound of those little feet running down the hallway, the giggles between siblings as they chase each other through the house, the eskimo kisses before bed...yup, so worth it.

I'm a mom. It's so hard. And I love it.

So this year, I'm taking on the challenge of being me, bravely. One part of this challenge is "The Brave Collective." The head honchos at MOPS describe this as choosing to share your courage with others, because when you share, the courage multiplies. Collectively, we become brave. The plan is to grab a group of ladies, sit around a table together, and share your "brave" (something that you want to take on this year that requires you to be brave). Then you can share your journeys with each other as you conquer your braves, knowing that your friends are holding you accountable and as fellow brave moms, are there for you. And it doesn't have to be something monumental. It can be anything that is something you feel you need to do, want to do, for YOU.

Well, I haven't done the table part, but I want to share my brave with you today. This year, I, Lizzie, want to become a blogger. Yes, I'm already blogging right this minute, but I want to be a REAL blogger: writing regularly, making it a priority, growing in the blogger community, sharing my deepest moments with my fellow readers, and reaching out to other moms, letting them know they are not alone. I love to write and I love being a mom. So there it is. I'm already feeling a little braver! Now the plan is, because I've decided to be brave and share my brave thing, hopefully I will continue to be courageous and reach my goal. Thank you so much for your support already by reading today's blog. Now it's your turn! What's your brave?


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