Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks! Yikes!

My new favorite attire: preggers comfy clothes!

What a cute phrase: "bumpdate" (get it? Update on the bump). I stole if off another expecting mommy's blog and thought it was adorable. I have been so bad at updating, but this pregnancy has been flying by! This past Thursday marked 32 weeks (aka) 8 months. Whoah! And a lot has changed since my last update at 20 weeks. Check it out:
  • Total Weight Gain: 2 weeks ago it was about 22 pounds - tomorrow I'll find out my latest legs are definitely not used to holding up this much weight!
  • Size of baby: Around 3.5 pounds and 17 inches long
  • Sleep: Pretty soundly minus my frequent bathroom trips and sore mid-back. However I recently bought myself a "pregnancy wedge" pillow to help keep me on my side or to place under my bump for support - loving it!
  • Best Moment This Week: Video-taping V while she kicked around in my belly like crazy.
  • Movement: All the time. I love it when it's a big kick and it catches me off guard...I tend to yell out in surprise (eee!)
  • Food Craving: Icees on my way home after school - cherry limeade is delish!
  • What I Miss: being able to bend over in the shower and shave my legs like a normal person (don't worry...I'm still shaving...sometimes!). I also miss being able to walk quickly. I'm a super fast walker and these days I'm starting to waddle...ugh!
  • What I'm looking forward to: V's arrival. I can't believe it's getting so close! I spend every extra minute working on her nursery: washing her new things, folding, sorting, organizing, etc. 
  • Weekly Wisdom: I learned this from a coworker: I've started to lay awake after my mid-night  bathroom trips because I have so much on my mind that I need to do before V gets here (ex. finishing the nursery, maternity sub plans, finding a pediatrician, etc.) and my friend suggested putting a notepad next to my bed so I can write it all down...freeing up my mind again for sleep...going to give that a try! I'll let you know how it goes.
  • Symptoms: Swollen ankles and feet on work days (and shopping days!), really itchy skin in certain "growing" areas, and I'm finding it next to impossible to stand up after being on the couch, in the bed, or any other "comfy" surface that sinks in. Thank goodness for my husband and his willingness to give me a hand every time I need to stand up! I've also had a lot of back pain in the last ten weeks - especially if I accidentally sleep on my back (which is my natural position) and I've been trying really hard to stay on my side! Hubby has also been a huge help with this and I'll feel him pushing me to my side if he sees me on my back. What a sweetheart :)

Until next time! Xoxo,


  1. sounds like things are going well! You are a precious pregnant mama....keep up the good work!:)

  2. So cute...V is getting so big and stretching that belly. You are both adorable..
