Saturday, July 12, 2014

Life as a SAHM

A year and a couple months later...

I'm back! And I guess technically I'm no longer a "new mommy", since I now have TWO! Yes, that's right: two children under two. Well, I did have two under two until 13 days ago when my sweet daughter, Victoria, turned two. So now I'm the mommy of a big two-year-old, an almost six-month-old, an almost three-year-old lab, and a nine-year-old cat! I take my responsibilities to all my babies (human and fur) very seriously, of course.

Here's a quick catch-up on the last 14 months of life:

About a month after my last post, during our final weeks of living with Memaw and Pepaw in Richmond, while I finished my third year of teaching fifth grade and Trey started his first days of practicing dentistry as an official DDS, we found out we were pregnant with #2! And in case you're wondering, because anyone wanting another baby when they still have one baby is crazy - yes, this baby was planned! We're baby people. We're family people. So don't be surprised when you get the next announcement of more kiddos in this household.

So, back to the last year, while Trey started working, and I got to stop working as a teacher and learn the new trade of SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). It is a LOT harder than it looks! No breaks. Not even at lunch. Or when you go to the bathroom. And then figuring out the best way to fill your days so that you're providing educational, yet fun, experiences for your growing toddler, while also shaping and molding them into well-behaved little humans. Oh - and don't forget you have to keep the house clean, make dinner,  do laundry, run errands, etc., etc. So for all you people who think being a SAHM is not a job, I have news for you! It's the hardest job out there! You're on the clock 24/7. Not to mention, being an oven for the next little one while being a SAHM makes the job even more challenging. Thank goodness Victoria took a 2-3 hour nap everyday in the afternoon, or I don't think I would have made it!

Fast forward to January 23, 2014, when Samuel, IV was born. After an eventful summer, fall, and start of winter in our new home and new town, we now had a new little mouth to feed. Winter was cold and seemed to go on forever, especially being stuck inside with a newborn and a newly walking, newly talking, toddler. I found myself aching to get out of the house and into civilization once I was getting into the swing of things with Samuel's sleep schedule and breastfeeding again. There were several days you would find me bundling up my little ones in 30 degree weather and heading to Target for my "mommy time". I quickly learned how to use my new carrier, the Baby Ergo (I highly recommend this contraption), and I would wear Samuel (who stayed warm against my hormonally-charged body heat) and put Victoria in the shopping cart, and head into my most favorite of places. Target was definitely one of my saving graces during these early, cold days!

Fast forward to now. July 12, 2014. Samuel is sleeping through the night (ALLELUIA) and Victoria is an amazing big sister. She loves giving "baby" kisses and attempting to get him to dance with her. Trey continues to be the most fun-loving daddy and caring husband, while providing for us to run around each day having an awesome summer. I must say, being a SAHM mom is certainly the most challenging job I've ever had, but it's also the most rewarding. I absolutely LOVE it and cherish every moment (good and bad) with my sweet babies. Speaking of, they're both ready to get up and start the day! So I better head to work (at 6 AM on a Saturday, you should know!), starting with a change of diapers and some sweet, sweet kisses.

- Lizzie


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog even though I saw it all up close and personnel. You have made it through one of the hardest parts and you both are amazing parents and gave papa and I 2 of the most amazing gifts!! Love you

  2. Glad you're writing again! Miss you! Chelle
