Wednesday, December 31, 2014

So long! Farewell, 2014! What a fantastic year!

I can't believe it's already New Year's Eve. This year has flown by so fast! I started out the year with the goal of
1) having a healthy baby boy

2) losing my baby weight

3) staying sane with 2 under 2

I know, some pretty lofty goals! However, once I set goals, I'm pretty set on obtaining them. I am a Type-A perfectionist (which is such a pain in the hiney!), so once I set goals, you better believe that I'm going to do everything in my power to MAKE IT HAPPEN. So how did I do accomplishing these goals?

1) Yep. He's a chunk. Looking pretty healthy to me.
2) I signed up for a half marathon and all that preparation helped me lose those baby pounds and then some. I can't believe I actually got there and I'm so excited for new fitness goals for this year!
(2014 also brought a new hair-do!)

3) Ehhh...some days, yes; some days, no. Having two babies is SO hard. And did you know we just added a 7 week old Lab puppy to our mix? Am I insane? YES! Things just got so much crazier. But the truth is, I love every minute of it. Even when I'm feeling at my wit's end (like today's visit to the vet with a puppy, an 11 month-old, and a 2 year-old -- that's a post for another day), I feel so blessed to have such amazing children, to have the opportunity to be home with them, and to have our fur babies as well. So there are moments where I sit in a corner and cry and say WHAT AM I DOING?! THIS IS UTTER CHAOS!, but then I count to ten, take a deep breath, look at my children laughing and playing, and puppies bouncing around the room, and just laugh right along with them. Pure joy and happiness surely beats the tantrums, sleepless nights, and poop accidents.

This year has had some surprises, as well! I found an amazing group of mommy friends through MOPS, which you can read about here. I started writing on my blog more frequently in an attempt to be a blogger, and NO, I have not given up! I know I have not written a lick in December and my brain hurts because of it! I have so many things I want to write about, but to be honest, it's been an insane month. I started a new business the last week of November, we traveled to Disney the second week of December, we traveled all during the holidays, and then Sunday we picked up our new puppy. Yes, I promise to blog about all these things so you will feel caught up!

And yes, you heard me right, in the midst of all this "chaos", as I call it, I have started a new business. I've been working for Jamberry for 5 weeks and it has been such a fun and exciting whirlwind of a job. Why in the world would I add one more thing to my plate?
1) I LOVE Jamberry nails.
2) This is something I'm doing for ME. In Jamberry, I'm not mommy, or wife, or puppy trainer: I'm Lizzie Woolwine, Independent Consultant.
3) The camaraderie. The feeling of community that exists among Jamberry consultants is like nothing I've ever experienced. I've had many different "jobs" since I turned 16, and this is the first one where I've felt so supported. It's like I've gained a second family that is there to guide me, cheer me on, and help me succeed!
So that's my WHY in a nutshell - plus, I make some "me" money that I'm hoping will turn into "family vacation" money! I'll let you know how it goes!

So as 2014 comes to an end, I don't see an end. I see a beginning. My children are growing like weeds and our puppy won't be a puppy for long. I'm feeling the high of ambition as I set new fitness goals, Jamberry leadership goals, and develop plans for a REAL blog. I'm excited for the growth of friendships and adventures along my fifth year of marriage. I encourage you to take a moment to look back on all that has happened in your life in 2014, and how will that transfer into the new year? Are you ready? Are your goals set?

Happy New Years, friends!
