Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No More Mommy Milk?

A change is coming. It's on the horizon; I can almost see it. I can most definitely feel it. And I'm not ready.

My baby boy is almost one year old. 
1 day old 

1 month old

9 months old

So much change comes with your baby's first birthday. More teeth, solid foods, starting to walk and talk, changes in sleep patterns...I'm ok with all that. What I'm scared about is weaning him. I've been nursing Samuel for almost 1 year and it's all he knows -- and as of the last year, it's all I know. Weaning Victoria was no big deal. It was fairly simple, in fact. However, Victoria went to a babysitter  while I worked and drank most of my milk out of a bottle, so the attachment factor wasn't quite there. 

Samuel and I have a different bond with me being home all the time. Whenever he's hungry, or sleepy, or sad, I can soothe him through nursing. I don't think I'm ready to give that up! And I know I don't have to. But I had planned to wean him at 1 year old. It's when the pediatrician recommends doing so, plus I'm ready to not have all the extra work that comes with nursing and pumping. Emotionally, though, I'm not ready. I know the time will come when I'm weaning and he tries to come to me for some "mommy milk"...and it won't be there. That makes me sad. I know his frustration won't last for long and soon he'll forget that I ever nursed him at all, but that kind of makes me sad, too! 

And of course, I'll miss taking post-nursing selfies after my workouts at the Y with my boy and using the hashtag "milk bar in the car"....sigh. Such trials and tribulations that lay before me. I know the world has much bigger problems on it's hands, but these are the worries of this stay-at-home mom. Thanks for listening, friends!
