Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 16 Update!

I find myself counting down the days until my next baby check-up every month. I have never looked forward to going to the doctor so much in my life! And needless to say, I haven't ever been to the doctor this much in my life. Each month's visit holds the possibility of learning new information about my pregnancy and my little one - and also hearing that incredibly fast heartbeat coming from my uterus (crazy!). There's nothing like it. 

I was really hoping my week 16 appointment was going to include an ultrasound because my sister found out the gender of one of her boys at week 16. No such luck. The doctor I saw (who was different from my usual doc; mine had to be out at the last minute, unfortunately) said I would have my next ultrasound at week 20: also the BIG DAY. Week 20 is "the week" to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Trey and I can't stand the thought of waiting till the birth to find out, so we will be eager to hear the news at the end of February. Seems so long from now! Since I don't have a picture of baby for week 16, here is a picture of me with baby :)

A little bump!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 16 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs.

Size of  Baby: 4.5 inches long, 3.5 oz (about the size of an avocado)

Sleep: sleeping well until I have to go to the bathroom (which is inevitable) and then I tend to have trouble falling back asleep. I'm also not supposed to sleep on my back anymore, which is a favorite for me, so I'm having more trouble getting comfortable :P

Best Moment This Week: hearing baby's heartbeat - I was a little nervous after Dean (our 50 lb. puppy) jumped on my uterus 2 weeks ago and hearing that heartbeat and the doctor's reassuring words was such a relief

Gender: unknown - we'll know in 4 weeks!

Movement: nothing yet - I am getting anxious though! Eager to feel something!

Food Craving: still loving my Minute Maid Grape Punch, cottage cheese, and apple sauce

What I Miss: my daily Coke at lunch (trying not to drink caffeine unless I'm really needing it!) 

What I'm looking Forward to: Valentine's Day with my husband and finding out if this baby is a boy or a girl on Feb. 23rd!

Weekly Wisdom: When you're pregnant and feeling tired - take a rest. Or a whole day of rest. It does wonders!

Symptoms: Nausea is definitely getting better (only visits once or twice a week) and as long as I get my 7-8 hours, not as tired as during the first trimester...nothing too new!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pregnancy Highlights - Week 12

Trey and I went to the doctor for our 12 week appointment last week and it proved to be a wonderful visit. Our baby has grown so much since our 8 week appointment! In our first ultrasound (8 weeks) it was a challenge to tell the head and body it actually looks like a baby! My heart jumped when I saw it on the screen and fluttered when the baby started jumping and bobbing around. If what we saw is any reflection on our child's personality, looks like this one might have some energy! The baby is healthy and its heart beats strong. We were thrilled at this news and I'm excited to be moving into the 2nd trimester soon!

8 Weeks

12 Weeks (See its little hand in the air? So sweet!)

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 12 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 3-4 lbs.
Size of  Baby: about 2 inches, .05 oz (about the size of a lime)

Sleep: like a baby, and with my mouth open!
Best Moment This Week: seeing the growth of my baby & sharing the news with  my students who are so excited!

Gender: unknown (eek!)

Movement: Can't feel anything yet because it's so tiny- but it's definitely moving! 

Food Craving: EVERYTHING but specifically grape juice, Rocky Road, and Cheeze-It's

What I Miss: having the energy to work-out regularly 

What I'm looking Forward to: my next appointment (Jan. 25)

Weekly Wisdom: It's ok to leave some things undone (which is hard for my Type A personality to handle!)
Symptoms: Morning sickness  is definitely getting better (love my Zofran!!) and also getting my energy back (although, not quite what it used to be)...and can we say FORGETFUL? Geez?! For a person who's used to being on top of things, I'm feeling very nutty these days!

Your ever grateful madre in waiting,