Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 20 Update

Pregnancy Highlights

20 Weeks!

  • How Far Along: 20 weeks
  • Total Weight Gain: 8 lbs.
  • Size of baby: 12 ounces, and about 10.5 inches long - about the length of a carrot!
  • Sleep: I sleep great until my bladder wakes me up, generally around 4-5 a.m. (and always 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm goes of course I'm falling back asleep right when it's time to get up! Argh!)
  • Best Moment This Week: Sharing the news of our baby's gender with friends, family, and my students. We're having a sweet, baby girl! (I will post again on the details of our "gender reveal")
Our parents are so excited to be grandparents!

  • Gender: GIRL!
  • Movement: As you probably read from my last entry - she's moving like crazy! In fact, she's moving right now. It's the best parts of my day when I feel her kick. I feel it the most when I'm not moving so much like when I get home from work or lay down to go to sleep.
  • Food Craving: mac and cheese has been my latest favorite food
  • What I Miss: having a glass of wine....oh well :)
  • What I'm looking forward to: Baby showers! I'm so excited to start celebrating our baby girl's arrival with friends and family...and to start getting pink, girly baby items!
  • Weekly Wisdom: eat small meals - it's really uncomfortable when you eat a lot! Baby and a full belly do not work out well!
  • Symptoms: Minimal nausea (thank goodness), some cramping from those so-called "round ligaments" that are growing, feeling like I'm going to explode when I eat too much (sometimes I forget to stop! eek!!), and extreme forgetfulness (mostly when it comes to words and's pretty hilarious the things I can't remember!)

We didn't get a great profile shot of our baby girl due to her strange positioning at our Week 20 appointment. I'll post one when I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound for them to get a better look at her face and heart. 

Stay tuned for details on the Gender Reveal Party! It was a huge success and so much fun.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Alive and Kicking!

So I haven't written in awhile because it seemed like everything was pretty much the same for a couple weeks, but oh my how things are happening now!

We are officially in the midst of Week 19 (19 weeks and 3 days to be exact - but who's counting?) and on Thursday we will start the long awaited WEEK 20! We have our Week 20 appointment on that day as well, and we will hopefully (if Baby Woolwine is facing the camera) find out whether our little one is a boy or a girl. The suspense is killing us. I cannot imagine having to wait until July to find out. Fortunately, thanks to technology, we don't have to.

So what else has been going on besides the excitement for the arrival of February 23rd?

Drum roll, please........

Baby Woolwine has been KICKING and I've been feeling it! Finally! What a miraculous feeling it is. Not only is it reassuring when you haven't been to the doctor in 4 weeks, but it makes the bond between mom and baby (and dad! He felt it too!) even stronger. I felt the first movements around two weeks ago - and then it seemed like I didn't feel anything for days. It was driving me crazy! In the last couple days, I feel the baby all the time - randomly - and I love it. It's like he/she is saying "Hi, Mom!" and checking in from time to time. This morning, Trey got to feel it from the outside for the first time too. So magical!
Week 19 Photo - baby is growing like a weed!

Last night we had VCU's Winter Ball (our 3rd time going, so much fun!) and the baby got to get down on the dance floor with mom and dad. Of course, the heels didn't last for long and after awhile the bottom of my belly started to ache a little (not used to that extra weight!) but I think the baby enjoyed all that movement. I know he or she certainly felt the vibrations from the bass! As soon as I got home and got in bed I felt the baby start moving like crazy. I think he or she was wondering why we stopped dancing! 
after a night of dancing!
A week from today we are having a gender reveal party with our families in Roanoke. So even though we are finding out Feb. 23rd, the rest of the world will have to wait until our party...and of course, I will share the news, along with pictures of our reveal on my blog. Tune in next week!
