Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 20 Update

Pregnancy Highlights

20 Weeks!

  • How Far Along: 20 weeks
  • Total Weight Gain: 8 lbs.
  • Size of baby: 12 ounces, and about 10.5 inches long - about the length of a carrot!
  • Sleep: I sleep great until my bladder wakes me up, generally around 4-5 a.m. (and always 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm goes of course I'm falling back asleep right when it's time to get up! Argh!)
  • Best Moment This Week: Sharing the news of our baby's gender with friends, family, and my students. We're having a sweet, baby girl! (I will post again on the details of our "gender reveal")
Our parents are so excited to be grandparents!

  • Gender: GIRL!
  • Movement: As you probably read from my last entry - she's moving like crazy! In fact, she's moving right now. It's the best parts of my day when I feel her kick. I feel it the most when I'm not moving so much like when I get home from work or lay down to go to sleep.
  • Food Craving: mac and cheese has been my latest favorite food
  • What I Miss: having a glass of wine....oh well :)
  • What I'm looking forward to: Baby showers! I'm so excited to start celebrating our baby girl's arrival with friends and family...and to start getting pink, girly baby items!
  • Weekly Wisdom: eat small meals - it's really uncomfortable when you eat a lot! Baby and a full belly do not work out well!
  • Symptoms: Minimal nausea (thank goodness), some cramping from those so-called "round ligaments" that are growing, feeling like I'm going to explode when I eat too much (sometimes I forget to stop! eek!!), and extreme forgetfulness (mostly when it comes to words and's pretty hilarious the things I can't remember!)

We didn't get a great profile shot of our baby girl due to her strange positioning at our Week 20 appointment. I'll post one when I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound for them to get a better look at her face and heart. 

Stay tuned for details on the Gender Reveal Party! It was a huge success and so much fun.


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