Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nursery Ideas

So keep in mind, I'm not pregnant (yet) but boy, have I been bitten by the "mom" bug! My latest obsession is wondering when (and if) I do get pregnant, will it be a boy or a girl? And what will the baby's nursery look like? I want so badly to start decorating, but of course don't want to jinx anything. Plus, my husband and I have both agreed we like going with the traditional blue for boy and pink for girl, making it impossible to do any decorating until we know the gender of a baby who doesn't exist yet! I know, I'm entertaining, huh? I've been reading through blogs of other mommies and there are some really unique nurseries out there! I'm getting filled with lots of inspiring ideas for the future. Here is one nursery I think is absolutely adorable.

If you have any awesome ideas, let me know!


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