Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TTC (my new favorite acronym)

Through my extensive internet research on having a baby (and by extensive I mean whatever Google Search gives me when I type in a new question), I've learned a new acronym "TTC". 

Any guesses? And no it's not "Totally Too Cool". 

My new favorite acronym that makes me feel totally too cool when I say it stands for "Trying To Conceive". Clever, eh? I think so. Especially since in a few weeks I will officially be TTC. Eeee! (squeals of excitement).

What makes me nervous about TTC is the whole planning bit. Of course this may change if I discover that TTC is not as easy as I think it's going to be. And I know for some future moms, it's not. My mother insists that if I'm anything like her, I'll get pregnant the first try (and I sensed some sarcasm when she said this). Hah! 

So we'll see. I'll worry about that when I get there. But for me, Mrs. Type A - all the way, I know exactly when I want to get pregnant so I can plan exactly when I will have the baby. And for good reason. I'm a teacher and I'm getting ready to start my second year, so I only have so many saved sick days. I have been told by my older sister who is also a teacher, and has had 2 boys in the past 3 years, that you only get paid for the days you have saved up -- even though you are given a leave of six weeks. As I am our main provider while my husband is in dental school, I do not want to miss more days than necessary. So naturally, I want to have the baby sometime close to summer break. That way, I'll get paid for the few weeks I miss (which I do have saved up) and then I'll get summer off to be with my new little one. Perfect plan, right? 

Maybe. However, as most of us know, no one can really "plan" for a pregnancy, as we are all different.  When I discussed this with my OB-GYN, she advised "start when you are ready" because there is no way to know when you will conceive or how long it can take. She said for some it can take 1 month, for others it can take a year - or more. So much for my need to plan. But maybe I'll get lucky and it will work out just right. The main thing is, I know I want this baby no matter what. Even if we have to be extra frugal  for a while. So I keep telling myself not to stress about when it will happen. God will make it happen when it's right for us. 

                My husband (Trey) and my oldest nephew (Carter) : He's such a natural with children, lucky me!

Our plan is to start pretty soon. Ideally I would like to get pregnant sometime in August/September/October. But again, what I like may or may not be the plan. We're keeping it quiet for now (a handful of my closest friends + my big sis know the plan). That's the main reason my husband suggested I start this blog: in order to voice my thoughts during this whole crazy TTC phase but not sharing all this until it's officially official. Until then, I'll be a madre in waiting. 



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