Friday, June 22, 2012

Bumpdate : 37 Weeks

Wow! I can't believe I'm full term. I'm officially at the stage where all of baby is finished developing and now she's just gaining weight as we wait for her arrival. I've actually thought I was in labor multiple times now - all times it was what they call "false labor". Although, the contractions seemed real enough to me! Last night's were the strongest but the intensity slowed down around midnight. Trey and I are definitely getting in some excellent practice for the real day! I'm so glad we took a childbirth class so we know what in the world is going on and how to handle it. Trey is an amazing coach and partner because I do not do well with pain. Thank you sweetheart! Future moms, if your hospital offers childbirth classes, you should certainly take one. I cannot imagine going through these last parts of pregnancy and the upcoming birth of our baby without having some sort of "heads up."

Being full term, and because so far all has gone well, my Dr. said Baby V is welcome to come any time now. If she's early, she'll be just fine - so even though her due date is 20 days from today, maybe she'll surprise us and come earlier!

37 Weeks, Day 2   

 Here's the latest update on pregnancy (and perhaps my last!). 
  • Total Weight Gain: about 28 lbs
  • Size of baby: Hard to know for sure anymore - she was measured at week 34 to be 5 lbs 10 oz...she is probably somewhere around 6 lbs
  • Sleep: Taking it when I can get it. When you have to go to the bathroom every hour, it's hard to get a lot of sleep! Thank goodness I am off work now and I can take naps throughout the day.
  • Best Moment This Week: My weekly check in with the doctor (I love hearing that heartbeat!). I am now 3 cm dilated, a little more than 60% effaced, and baby is at a we're making some progress already!
  • Movement: Still moving a lot, although I can tell she's getting really cramped. It hurts a little more than it used to!
  • Food Craving:Rocky Road by Edy's - all the time
  • What I Miss: being able to move :)
  • What I'm looking forward to: being a mommy. for real.
  • Weekly Wisdom: Sleep as much as you can before baby gets here. Best advice ever.
  • Symptoms: HUGE, swollen feet/ankles - trying to do better at staying off them and swollen hands, lots of practice contractions (Braxton Hicks) and other pressure letting me know that we're getting close!
Look ma, no ankles!

 Tune in tomorrow - I'll be sharing pictures of the parts of the nursery that were unfinished. Now we're all ready!


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