Friday, July 13, 2012

Victoria is here!

I have had the intention of writing V's birth story for a week. I really had no idea how time consuming and exhausting the first couple weeks of life with a newborn really are! I texted to my mother-in-law, "I feel like I'm just a milk machine." Her response? "You are one for now." (And she only speaks the truth...)

For any woman who has breastfed her child(ren), I have complete and utter (no pun intended) respect for your hard work! Not only do the parents of a newborn have to adapt their sleeping schedule (a few hours here or there, which really feels like no sleep at all), and momma has to recover from labor (ouch!), but while doing so, must learn how to feed her young cow-style every couple hours of the day. This means all you do is milk (can take anywhere from 30 min-1 hour if baby has trouble latching or keeps falling asleep), burp baby, change diapers, go to the bathroom yourself & maybe eat a snack if you're quick, then start again. EXHAUSTING!! But don't get me wrong, that new life in your arms is worth every moment (just don't ask me that when I'm having a "baby blues" hormonal moment, or when I'm hungry, or tired, etc.).

So now that I've shared my main gripe of motherhood, let me say that I am so in love. A different kind of love than I have for Trey...a more protective kind of love. When I look at Victoria I am filled with so much happiness I could burst. I am reminded of how much I love her father (which by the way, is more than I could ever have imagined - it just grows and grows). I am also aware that I would do whatever it takes to protect her for the rest of my life, like a mother lion. It's the most amazing feeling and I am sure other momma's know exactly what I'm talking about. Her innocence is so sweet and heartwarming - part of me wants to keep her just as she is forever! At the same time, I can't wait to watch her grow...

Well now that I've shared all that, I'm too tired to even type her birth story! Typical! Be ready for it in my next entry. In the meantime, here are some pictures and birth info to hold you over....

Victoria, 6 lbs. 12 oz., born at 10:24 p.m. on June 30, 2012

Victoria with her Aunt Natalie (my big sis) - love her sweet 1 day old face!

Victoria - 1 week old...I adore everything about her sweet face, especially those eyes!


1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth - Yep! You've got it right! Most exhausting, but most rewarding job ever! The nursing gets easier with time too- you get the hang of it and by then, you've stopped nursing! haha. Enjoy every minute because it does go by quickly. So happy for you and Trey!!

