Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday Follies

We all do dumb things, many that we regret. However, it’s much more fun to laugh at ourselves when this happens. After all, it’s only human nature (that's what I tell myself).

Welcome to Friday Follies, my weekly confession of ridiculous happenings in the Woolwine household.

-      When giving Victoria her bath this week, I thought it would be cute to watch her crawl around on the bathroom floor naked. It was adorable until she was swimming in a large puddle of pee. Whoops!
-      One morning (this was actually last week) I was running late, as usual, and hurrying to get all the bags in the car. I tripped over our rain gutter, landed on my side in the space between our car and the side of the house, and managed to only spill a little of my coffee (although once at work, I learned some had also landed in my hair…). I laid there for a moment, wallowing in pain, and then quietly lifted my head to see if anyone was watching. At 6:30 AM, there wasn’t a soul in sight. I picked myself up, realized I had ripped my pants and was bleeding, and hurried back in to change before heading on to work. I’m still limping from this accident. Now whether I have to limp, I’m not sure, but it makes me feel better.
-      At 12:30 AM on Tuesday night, Victoria woke up wheezing. Her breathing was very scary and we decided to get her checked out by a physician right then. We’d heard of Kid-Med, an after-hours pediatrician’s office, and decided to go there. We hopped in the car, drove 25 minutes to get there, and pulled up to an empty lot. They had closed at 11:00 PM. Note to self: When going somewhere at midnight, check the hours!
-      When making coffee in your Keurig, don't accidentally press the "rinse" button. And if you do accidentally press the "rinse" button, leave something there to catch the rinse. Otherwise, you will have a very wet and messy counter-top. DUH, Elizabeth. 

Now I realize this page is called Friday follies, and yes, today is Saturday. I started this post yesterday and in the midst of a trip to Lynchburg, did not get to finish. So I hope you will enjoy it, even though it’s a day late. 


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SOLD! We’re moving!

A few days ago I was planning a blog post about our house that is was for sale. I was going to say: Go check it out at our realtor’s really cool website: , where you can see photos of our beloved home for the past two years. Plus, it’s cleaner and more organized now than it has ever been! Amazing how that works out, huh? As soon as it’s perfect, it’s time to leave.
Our house 2 years ago, when we bought it!

Well, I don’t get to write that post anymore. Why, you ask? Because it’s SOLD! My husband and I are elated - yes - I had to choose a better word than happy or excited. We are absolutely THRILLED.

We officially put the house on the market on February 28, 2013 and the sign in our yard showed up on March 1st. By March 10th at 11:19 p.m., there was an email in my Gmail account, telling us about an offer that had been made. Monday morning we responded with a counter offer, which was accepted by the buyer. Slam dunk! We signed the contract that afternoon, and now we’re keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well until the closing on May 8th.

One of our first comments to each other after all this happened yesterday was, “Hey! We can be sloppy again!”

No, but really, it was so wonderful that I didn’t have to spend an extra 30 minutes last night and this morning making sure the house looked spectacular before I left for work. With a not-so-organized husband, a messy baby, a rowdy dog, and a hairy cat, that whole ordeal was getting old, really fast. When I said my prayers this weekend, I told God that I needed his help, because I was becoming extremely stressed trying to keep the ball rolling with the house on the market. I guess he heard me, loud and clear.

So what’s next? Packing and figuring out where we will live from May 7th through June 14th (my last day of work - YAHOOOOOOOO!). Then in late June, Trey will start his new career as a dentist in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Life is changing so fast, and we’re welcoming all of it with open arms.

Beyond blessed, 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Mom of Many Kinds

You may recall that before I had my daughter, Victoria, I was a mother first to Imogen, the cat, and then to Dean, the dog. On Saturday I got to revisit my motherly duties to both of them, as they were both overdue for visits to the vet. Unfortunately for me, the vet’s office couldn’t schedule their appointments back-to-back, so I had to take Imogen first at 8:45 a.m., and Dean, a short while later, at 11:00 a.m.

The vet is a good 20 minutes away, so add in the time it took to drive there and back, and that made for about an hour and a half on the road. Did I mention I was fighting off some sort of stomach bug? You can picture it now: Imogen riding shotgun in the Pet Taxi, with me hunched over, slurping on my Diet Ginger Ale, and scarfing down some Saltines. However, it was my fault for putting their needs off for months on end,  and I’m so very grateful our vet is open on Saturdays. Weekdays are way too busy to try fitting in trips to our dear Dr. Jones. 
Imogen riding shotgun

 So off we went, down I-95 to I-64, headed to the West End of Henrico to the Quioccasin Veterinary Hospital. Imogen was going in for a disgusting bit of matted hair that had made a nice home for itself in the middle of her back. We had tried cutting it out ourselves, but were afraid of what might be underneath (eeek!). Turns out poor Imogen is a little overweight, and as Dr. Jones informed me, cannot reach that part of her back to clean. She could not say what caused such a mess, but pulled out her trimmers and buzzed it right off. Only dry, flaky skin revealed itself. Shew! Dr. Jones recommended switching Imogen to a salmon-based diet to help with the dandruff, as well as brushing her every so often to help out with the parts she couldn’t reach. I felt guilty about Immy’s weight and lack of brushing; blaming it on the fact that Dean and Victoria got most of our attention. I reminded myself of some of the parents I deal with as a teacher who have endless excuses for their child’s poor behavior or missing work. Uh oh…

At 9:15 a.m., we were back on the road to home. Fortunately, Imogen made it out with only a bald spot from where her matted hair had been. I ran by Wal-Mart, then dropped off the groceries, picked up Dean, and headed back down I-95 to I-64. Thank goodness I could leave the baby home with her daddy! This story would probably be way more eventful had the 8-month-old been tagging along.

You can picture it this time: Dean pacing in the back of the Explorer, whimpering, as he often does when he gets excited, and me hunched over, still sipping on my Diet Ginger Ale, and munching on Saltines. Dean is a lot harder to handle than Immy, considering he is much heavier, stronger, and determined to say hello to every living thing he encounters. Dean was overdue for two of his shots, and also needed a nail trimming.

When we first arrived, they weighed him. In November, at Dean’s last appointment, he weighed 68 lbs. On Saturday he weighed in at 78 lbs. Dr. Jones walked into the room, mouth wide-open and gaping, and exclaimed, “TEN POUNDS! WHAT HAPPENED?!”. Again, I felt like I was on the other side of the parent-teacher conference table in my classroom. Dr. Jones (the concerned and frustrated teacher) and me (the clueless parent), feeling embarrassed and guilty for the current state my child (Dean) was in. I honestly didn’t know how he had gained ten pounds, but I had my speculations. Could it be my latest, accidental purchase of his food in the puppy version, which has a much larger fat content? Perhaps it's the fact that he hasn’t been on a walk in a month, since the weather has been up and down and we’ve been busy trying to get our house on the market. Or maybe, it’s because we delight in spending our time and energy with Victoria, after working all day, and once she’s in bed, we all collapse on the couch. Dean included. Excuses, excuses. Oh! And we give Dean a Kong with a spoonful of peanut butter every morning (mostly due to our guilt of leaving him all day). That probably doesn’t help his weight, either.

However, I told Dr. Jones I hadn’t even noticed he had gained 10 lbs. (again, sounds like the parents I work with who haven’t even noticed their child hasn’t done homework all week…), but that we would make sure to do whatever she recommended to get him in shape. So far, so good (it’s been two days). Sunday we made a trip to PetSmart to get him on the appropriate food for his size. We’ve also taken him for walks the past two days. We have high hopes for change, and for Dean and Immy’s sake, I hope we stick to it.

Being a mommy is tough! And I want to have how many more kids? Three? Four? Five? Yikes….

To my loyals and newcomers as well, thanks for visiting!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Victoria at 8 months

Time flies when you're a working mom. And by working, I mean out of the house. Trust me, I know how much work it is to be a stay-at-home mom, too! Definitely a full time job.

Victoria is now 8 months old. She has just started the "scoot-crawl", although she is quickly becoming a potential full-time crawler. She also drank out of her "transitional cup" today! We're trying to teach her to hold her own bottle and this nifty bottle/cup from her Aunt +Whitney Woolwine  has handles. She insists on being lazy and having someone hold her bottle, but she did hold onto the handles (while drinking) long enough for me to capture this shot!

Victoria has also had her first "sick visits" to the doctor over the past month for ear aches. I had terrible ear aches as a baby, and unfortunately, V has had one in her left ear and now has one in the right ear. While at the doctor last Friday to get checked out, I also got her latest growth measurements.
Weight: 18.6 lbs
Length: 27 inches

Sturdy Sitter!

With Mom and Dad - can you tell it's bed time?

She has already outgrown some of her 6-9 month clothing! Sheesh! She continues to light up my days and I love that she recognizes me and her daddy now. I live for the moment each day when I walk into her sitter's home and her face lights up. *sigh*

Today we had a snow day, which is why I'm able to have a moment to catch up the ol' blog. I have so much to share lately, so I will try to start posting more often. Check back in later this week to read more about our house that's for sale, Trey's new job that will start this summer, my future plans as a full-time mommy, and our upcoming move to Lynchburg, VA.
