Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Victoria at 8 months

Time flies when you're a working mom. And by working, I mean out of the house. Trust me, I know how much work it is to be a stay-at-home mom, too! Definitely a full time job.

Victoria is now 8 months old. She has just started the "scoot-crawl", although she is quickly becoming a potential full-time crawler. She also drank out of her "transitional cup" today! We're trying to teach her to hold her own bottle and this nifty bottle/cup from her Aunt +Whitney Woolwine  has handles. She insists on being lazy and having someone hold her bottle, but she did hold onto the handles (while drinking) long enough for me to capture this shot!

Victoria has also had her first "sick visits" to the doctor over the past month for ear aches. I had terrible ear aches as a baby, and unfortunately, V has had one in her left ear and now has one in the right ear. While at the doctor last Friday to get checked out, I also got her latest growth measurements.
Weight: 18.6 lbs
Length: 27 inches

Sturdy Sitter!

With Mom and Dad - can you tell it's bed time?

She has already outgrown some of her 6-9 month clothing! Sheesh! She continues to light up my days and I love that she recognizes me and her daddy now. I live for the moment each day when I walk into her sitter's home and her face lights up. *sigh*

Today we had a snow day, which is why I'm able to have a moment to catch up the ol' blog. I have so much to share lately, so I will try to start posting more often. Check back in later this week to read more about our house that's for sale, Trey's new job that will start this summer, my future plans as a full-time mommy, and our upcoming move to Lynchburg, VA.


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