Monday, December 26, 2011

A Love Story

Have you ever seen the 2011 make of Jane Eyre ? What an amazing film...a dark, yet romantic and beautiful story...and as all love stories do, reminds me of my very own. I love those moments of flirtation between Jane and Mr. Rochester, which finally lead to him professing his love for her, and then the kiss. I live for moments like that which make me want to run into the arms of the one I love, just as Jane loves him. It reminds me of the feelings I first felt for Trey, and that I still feel every morning when I wake to see him lying next to me. Every time Jane and Mr. Rochester touched lips, I imagined myself, standing in front of Trey, and the bursts of passion we've shared in the same manner. 

Mr. Rochester and Jane

Rochester: I offer you my hand, my heart. Jane, I ask you to pass through life at my side. You are my equal and my likeness. Will you marry me? 
(yes! yes! yes!)

Trey and Lizzie

In 6 and a half months the love I know will grow far beyond what I am able to know at this moment. I cannot imagine a love greater than what I feel for my Trey, and yet I know my love for him will grow immensely as I look into the eyes of the being we will have created together. As I rest my hand on my tiny bump, I feel the love growing already and my heart growing stronger with each passing day. It all comes back to that first kiss I shared with Trey and that I relived tonight as I lost myself in the love story by Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre, thank you for reminding me of that true love. 

Romantically from your madre in waiting

Friday, December 16, 2011

Boston Bound

Right now I am blogging for my first time on a train. It makes me feel very "official", like I'm traveling on business and have important work to complete before my next stop. Hah! I can pretend for a little while. 

Well, it's 7:52 PM and I am currently between Richmond and Fredericksburg riding Amtrak with my husband, father, and step-mom. My dad has started a new tradition for our family trip to happen the week before Christmas which, as it works out, students and teachers have off. Last year we went to New York City - and had an absolute blast. 

This year we are traveling to Boston, a favorite of mine - although, I've never been in the winter. I'll let you know if I regret this decision! It's weird to think I'm not "physically" alone on this trip, but have a little one joining me (in utero!). What a cool feeling. I cannot wait until our next appointment (a little less than 2 weeks from now) when I will be 12 weeks along. I feel like this will be a comforting appointment, as the fetus is larger and things are a little "safer" than they were at week 8. Today I am officially 10 weeks. Wow! Feels like yesterday we were just finding out...and what an exciting moment that was. It's still pretty exciting as more friends are learning of our news. Most of my co-workers are aware, which makes it fun at work. It was so hard keeping it a secret the first month! When you find out, all you want to do is shout it to the world - it seems like such a miracle (and well, actually, it is!). 

Did I mention that I'm a fifth grade teacher and today was the last day before break? My kids were a little nutty...but I have to hand it to them, they were pretty good for me. My patience is not quite as good these days, now that I'm pregnant (and have my list of needs which must be met every 30 minutes). But I am so grateful that they were well-behaved and that our Christmas party stayed under control...and that I am now free of all 20 of them for 2 weeks! WOOOHOOOOOOOO! 

I feel a nap coming on....this momma is heading out. 

Until next time, 

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Merry Christmas, indeed

Well friends, this mother-in-waiting has some huge news. Trey and I are no longer trying to conceive. In addition, I can no longer enjoy my favorite beverage, margaritas - at least not for the next nine months....

You guessed it! We're expecting! Now I can truly say that I am a madre-in-waiting as I wait for the arrival of my little one in July 2012. After two seasons of TTC, this little miracle has occurred and I feel so blessed to know a healthy fetus is slowly growing into our future child. I am currently nine weeks along and I discovered our good news on November 4, 2011 (ironically I was home sick from school). At that point I was four weeks pregnant and one week out from running the Richmond half-marathon. Fortunately I was still feeling well at that point and was able to run the entire half-marathon in 2:09:35....25 seconds shy of my goal. And I did not run this race without considering the possible risks it might have on the well-being of my little one. Months before when Trey and I were planning this, I spoke with my OB who assured me it would be all right as long as my body was used to that kind of exercise.

Now, at nine months, I am experiencing the not-so-wonderful side effects of the first trimester including exhaustion, raging hormones, and morning sickness. I come home everyday, fall onto the couch and into my early evening nap. I continue to nap off and on into the evening after 8 hours of teaching, the thought of exercising impossible. I feel a bit like a sloth but know I must put the health of our baby first. If my body needs rest, then rest I shall. Not to mention, half the time I can hardly stand!! I hear that my energy should come back in the second trimester, which I am really looking forward to. I hate feeling lazy! But I love my couch more than ever. Plus, we just got a new mattress - perfect timing!

One week till Christmas break and then Trey and I are heading to Boston with my dad and stepmom. We'll spend Christmas in Roanoke with family and we have our next baby appt. the week after Christmas. More updates to come then! Merry Christmas!
