Friday, June 29, 2012

Baby's Bathroom

Preparing for baby has been so much fun. As you know, I went all out on her sweet little nursery (you can read on that here and here ).  I intended to stop there, but my creative instincts wouldn't let me. Why not make the guest bathroom/baby bathroom fun too? I went with a different theme for the bathroom so that it was more "kid friendly" (and not so baby) and would last through her childhood. I also tried to pick a theme which a little boy would be ok with - of course, we are hoping for one of those one day! You'll notice that not only is pink a main color, but also yellow, green, and brown. I didn't paint the walls since we're not sure how much longer we'll be in the this house and after having painted all the other bathrooms in this house, I've decided they are my least favorite rooms to paint! (painting behind a toilet? NOT fun!).

I'll let the pictures show you the details. My initial inspiration came from a line through Target called "Love 'n Nature" by Circo with the main character being a cute little owl!

Looking from the doorway

      Shower Curtain : Love 'n Nature from Target

LOVE these little owls! (see them on the poster?)

Owl hand towel : Love 'n Nature from Target
"V" poster: ETSY through Rock Paper Prints
Victorian frame: TJ Maxx

Had to show the little owl goodies on the sink!
Pink Victorian frame: TJ Maxx
Orange owl note/picture holder: Jo Ann's Fabrics 
Owl toothbrush holder: Love 'n Nature from Target
Owl-shaped bubble bath: Jo Ann's Fabrics
"Little owls always brush their teeth"

 (Thought this to be appropriate since V's dad is going to be a dentist!
It hangs right above the cute owl toothbrush holder) 
Poster: ETSY through Rock Paper Prints
White frame: TJ Maxx

The wall across from the sink - view from inside tub

Striped towel - Love 'n Nature from Target
Owl towel rack - ETSY through The Wooden Owl 
Where we'll hang V's little hooded towels! So cute!

                Many thanks to Target and ETSY for the great owl finds - I am in love with this bathroom for Victoria! :)


By the way, I am still a madre in waiting and so very anxious! Trying to hang in there for these last couple weeks...



Sunday, June 24, 2012

V's Nursery is Finished!

About a month ago I revealed photos of Victoria's nursery, which has been my favorite home project for the last 3 months. You can check it out by reading this entry. 

There were two parts of the nursery I couldn't finish without the help of my mom. She came up last week for a couple days to help tie up the loose ends and now the nursery is officially ready for baby! 

Part One left unfinished was a big, comfy chair that my mom was recovering. She's quite the seamstress and helped us save some money by covering a chair that had already been passed down to us from Trey's family so it would match the baby room. You can see what it looked like before (stripped of its pillow covers) in the nursery reveal entry. We chose to go with a neutral color (and added a pink accent pillow) so we can use it in future baby rooms, no matter the gender. 
Our cat loves the chair & matching ottoman already!

Here's a close up of the suede material & the animal print piping - doesn't it look amazing?!

 Part Two left unfinished was the setting up of the changing table. The changing table matches the crib (which were both mine when I was a baby) and my mom brought it up with her when she came. Check out how adorable it turned out with all the cute containers!
Goes perfectly!
Now all we need is baby. We're ready, Victoria! Come check out your beautiful room :) 

your momma

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bumpdate : 37 Weeks

Wow! I can't believe I'm full term. I'm officially at the stage where all of baby is finished developing and now she's just gaining weight as we wait for her arrival. I've actually thought I was in labor multiple times now - all times it was what they call "false labor". Although, the contractions seemed real enough to me! Last night's were the strongest but the intensity slowed down around midnight. Trey and I are definitely getting in some excellent practice for the real day! I'm so glad we took a childbirth class so we know what in the world is going on and how to handle it. Trey is an amazing coach and partner because I do not do well with pain. Thank you sweetheart! Future moms, if your hospital offers childbirth classes, you should certainly take one. I cannot imagine going through these last parts of pregnancy and the upcoming birth of our baby without having some sort of "heads up."

Being full term, and because so far all has gone well, my Dr. said Baby V is welcome to come any time now. If she's early, she'll be just fine - so even though her due date is 20 days from today, maybe she'll surprise us and come earlier!

37 Weeks, Day 2   

 Here's the latest update on pregnancy (and perhaps my last!). 
  • Total Weight Gain: about 28 lbs
  • Size of baby: Hard to know for sure anymore - she was measured at week 34 to be 5 lbs 10 oz...she is probably somewhere around 6 lbs
  • Sleep: Taking it when I can get it. When you have to go to the bathroom every hour, it's hard to get a lot of sleep! Thank goodness I am off work now and I can take naps throughout the day.
  • Best Moment This Week: My weekly check in with the doctor (I love hearing that heartbeat!). I am now 3 cm dilated, a little more than 60% effaced, and baby is at a we're making some progress already!
  • Movement: Still moving a lot, although I can tell she's getting really cramped. It hurts a little more than it used to!
  • Food Craving:Rocky Road by Edy's - all the time
  • What I Miss: being able to move :)
  • What I'm looking forward to: being a mommy. for real.
  • Weekly Wisdom: Sleep as much as you can before baby gets here. Best advice ever.
  • Symptoms: HUGE, swollen feet/ankles - trying to do better at staying off them and swollen hands, lots of practice contractions (Braxton Hicks) and other pressure letting me know that we're getting close!
Look ma, no ankles!

 Tune in tomorrow - I'll be sharing pictures of the parts of the nursery that were unfinished. Now we're all ready!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1 Year Blog-i-versary!

Wow, it's hard to believe I started this blog a year ago...sharing my and Trey's plans of starting a family. You can look back with me and read my first entry here:  Now our little one will be arriving any day!

School is out - today is my official first day of summer break. It is certainly welcomed with open arms. As much as I loved my class this year and loved being pregnant for the majority of it, the past month has been tough! The last two months of pregnancy are certainly the hardest (at least for me) with all the major physical changes, feeling exhausted again, and the fact that it's the start of the hot, summer heat. Recess was my least favorite part of each day, but my kids were so sweet and helpful, carrying a chair and water outside with us and getting me set up before heading off to play. See? I told you I had an amazing class! I will miss them - a lot. I am so grateful that I had a great class this year because it's kids like them that remind you why you decided to be a teacher in the first place.

However, nothing beats sitting on the most comfortable couch in the world in the AC, with an extra fan, my bottled water, and having absolutely nowhere that I have to be. Thank you summer break!!!! It's supposed to hit the 90's today, so I'm prepared to keep cool. I'm embarking on pregnancy week 37 (on Thursday) which means I'll officially be full term and Baby V is safe to come, if she so chooses. I'm kinda hoping she does come a little early - I'm so excited to meet her I can hardly stand it! Literally though, I can hardly stand (hah!) as I've been cursed with the aches and pains of swollen hands, ankles, and feet (they're HUGE!) and it's not really practical (or comfortable) to lay with my feet above my heart all day long. But perhaps being at home and off my feet will help with this as we enter the last stages.

I have loved being pregnant and I have the feeling I will miss it once V arrives, but nothing will be better than having my baby girl in my arms. She's going to be amazing and I can't wait to share her with the world.
