Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2 month check-up report

Victoria had her 2 month check-up today. I love "well visits" because it's a happy visit to the Doc! Except for those no good, terrible shots...

I've always been a weak one when it comes to anything that pierces through my skin. I would cry, or vomit, or pass out. Probably seems a bit hilarious (so dramatic, right?) but to me it was the worst possible thing ever! I always wished I was stronger but alas, I'm not. It is what it is. Watching Victoria get shots is almost as bad. I hate seeing my poor baby girl in pain and feeling so helpless as her mother. She had to get 3 vaccines today and has had some grumpy moments this afternoon as a result - but I don't blame her, I'd be grumpy too!
Baby V prior to "the shots"....a happy girl!

Her latest stats...

weight: 12.3 lbs (75th percentile)
length: 22.4 inches (50th percentile)
head circumference: 15.5 inches (80th percentile)

That's our growing girl! She's still breastfeeding at this point. I didn't know if I'd be able to hang in there but I finally got "good" at it about 6 weeks in and wasn't ready to give it up. My goal now is to continue breastfeeding once I go back to work in October. We'll see how that goes!!

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday...and my first birthday with my sweet baby girl. I can't wait :)


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