Sunday, September 9, 2012

Super Mom!

That's what I keep hearing in my head..."Super Mom!" (with the same singy-song voice as you would use to say "Super Man!"). I finally feel like I've arrived as a mom, and it's only 12:05 p.m. on this fine Sunday morning. I've gotten more accomplished (and without crying and any other hiccups) this morning than I have this entire week. You know the advice, "sleep when the baby sleeps"? Well, I had started to take that a little too much to heart and I feel like I was getting too much sleep. I was stuck in this haze where I wouldn't leave the house for days at a time, taking care of Victoria, and living solely around her schedule. As a new mom trying to provide the best for your new baby, it's easy to get stuck in the repetitive cycle of nurse, burp, change, rock, sleep, repeat....and not do anything for yourself.

So this morning after Victoria woke up at 7:00, she nursed, and then I got both of us ready and out the door by 7:45. We went to Trader Joe's, Wal-Mart, and made it back home before her next feeding (first "yes!" moment). She enjoyed a 9:30 a.m. breakfast and then while she hung out in the  swing cheerfully, I changed into my running clothes and got V & pup ready for a run. We ran for 30 minutes around the neighborhood (beautiful morning, might I add) without Dean pulling my arm off and Victoria fell into a deep slumber within seconds of leaving the driveway (second "yes!" moment). Once we got home, I got both Dean and V inside and although V woke up, she fell back asleep in her swing while I did my stretching routine so that I could take a shower (third "yes!" moment). I got out of the shower, ran downstairs to see if she was crying, and to add to my super successful morning, she was still asleep. That meant I could actually put on make-up after throwing on my clothes (rare!) and I got to enjoy a nice lunch as I wrote this post.

It's the little things that make life grand :)

Did I mention she is also decked out in her Redskins onesie/bib for the game today? And she hasn't even spit up or pooped on it yet! (fourth "yes!" moment)....we've got 35 minutes till kickoff though. Keep your fingers crossed!


PS. Baby V is still napping and I was able to write and publish this entry (fifth "yes!" moment) Woohoo!!!

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