Thursday, September 13, 2012

Career Mom...or not

There's a little part of me that worries every day how I'm going to continue being a good mom to Victoria once I go back to work. And I hate it. I mean really hate it....sometimes it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am dreading the day (October 3rd, btw) when I have to leave her for an entire day - for an entire work week - with someone else (no offense Tiffany, I'm sure she'll do great with you!). I know women do it all the time and are still good mommies. I just worry how I'm going to have the energy to teach all day (and deal with behavior issues - ugh), fit in making lesson plans/grading papers/attending meetings, and come home and take care of V and cater to my wonderful hubby (and when am I supposed to get to the gym, again?! Or cook? My two favorite things...)

And of course this month is going by ridiculously fast. I'm trying to hold on to each day and make it last I can be with my baby girl just a little longer. I love to teach and I'm excited to get to do that again, but somehow being with Victoria seems so much more important now. I don't want to miss the little things - or not so little things -  and I know I will miss some of them. Yuck. Icky feelings again.

Any positive thoughts, friends? I could certainly use some :(


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