Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy 10 Months Samuel!

A typical morning at our house...

As of yesterday, my youngest is 10 months old. And boy is he darlin'. I know I'm a little biased, being his mom, but I could just kiss his little cheeks every minute of every day. Nothing is better than watching him grin and giggle as I shower him in x's and o's.

These days Samuel is always on the go. And he is getting into everything. I will turn my back for one second and the next thing I know, he has scooted (or army crawled) three rooms over and locked himself in a closet. It's amazing what they can accomplish when they're so small and aren't even able to walk, yet. Victoria always seemed so...still. I suppose that's the difference between a girl and a boy; at least, with this girl and this boy.

Samuel is still nursing and I treasure that time so very much. It's really about the only time he's still, and he loves to grab ahold of the edge of my shirt and rub it in-between his fingers, as he looks into my eyes and seems so say, "I love you, mommy." Although, if Victoria is around, there is no nursing to be done. The second Samuel hears her voice, he is ready to go! It's like he knows that when she's around, it's play time! He loves his solid food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and we recently starting giving him little bits of food to chew. So far he's been liking kidney beans, shredded cheese, and peas.

He's not doing a whole lot of "cruising" (walking as he holds onto furniture), but he is working hard at getting from the ground to standing. He's a pretty big boy, so I can tell the weight makes it tough for him. His little legs will shake under his weight, and he'll start to fuss after standing for awhile. He's scared to let go and knows he'll probably fall over if he does!

Sam-sam, as we often call him, loves Mickey Mouse and any sort of ball he can get his hands on. His favorite toy is his little "Sam-size" soccer ball. It seems ironic that I decorated his nursery with a sports theme! Maybe my motherly instinct knew he would like it.

Samuel's talking consists of "dada", "mama", and "nigh-nigh", which he seems to say when it's time for a nap or bedtime. We like to think he's saying "night, night". He also loves to blow bubbles and spit. He just figured out how to stick out his tongue and spit - very attractive! Screaming contests with his big sis are his favorite. This usually happens when they're both stuck somewhere together, like the bathtub or the car. It's pretty hilarious.

Samuel is such a happy kid, and I love every minute that I get to spend with him. Being able to stay at home with him this year has been such a blessing. I definitely missed out on the first year of being home with Victoria, but we are making up for it now.


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