Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mommas Are Never Alone, and That's the Truth!

It's safe for me to say that today has been a pretty ordinary day for a mother of two under/at two. If you're not a mom or caretaker of little ones, you may not be able to relate as much, but for those who are, I know you've been down this road before: using the bathroom --- with everyone crammed in with you.

I texted my husband after this morning's eventful bathroom experience and reminded him to enjoy every peaceful bathroom moment he had today, because mine are never peaceful. Or private. Unless I fasten my two-year-old into her booster seat, stick my nine-month-old into his exersaucer, turn Mickey on, and keep the door cracked from the side hallway, so I can make sure no one tries to jump/climb out. Although if they did, what would I do? Stop myself from going to the bathroom and run out to grab them? Probably not. I'd probably just let them continue, unless it got really dangerous (I think).  Anyway, even in this ideal situation, I'm still not having peaceful, private time, as the door is half open and both kids may or may not be yelling my name. On repeat. 

However, there are times in my life that using the bathroom was a me time and I know that one day it will be again. So I'm not at a loss. In fact, I'm sure that when the day comes when I do get to use the bathroom on my own, I will miss my littles and their constant intrusions. It'll be kinda lonely, I suppose.

Today's bathroom visit not only had my nine-month-old trying to crawl through the door that my two-year-old was trying to shut on him, but my three-year-old Lab insisted on joining in the mix. 
(Note: we were in our powder room downstairs, not the full master bath. Think tight, small spaces). 
I think my cat was the only one giving me some space. She's a cat, though: she understands the need for space. As I was feeling slightly overwhelmed at the whole scene, I realized how utterly hysterical it all was. Babies yelling at each other and at the dog, yelling at me for help, watching me as I finished up, and making honest toddler comments like, "Eww! Yucky!". So I just started to laugh. And, document with my camera phone. What else can we do but laugh and take pictures, right? 

** I apologize for the poor quality of photography; I was multitasking and couldn't focus on lighting and camera angles. 

Mommas, next time this happens to you, don't despair. Be grateful. How blessed are we that we have someone to share our bathroom time with? I can't imagine having it any other way. Except with more babies and dogs piling on in. 

Have a blessed day!

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